And what about when they entered the markets of the neighboring sixteen kingdoms, and expanded their production, refining thousands or even tens of thousands a month? With the sixteen neighbors’ purchasing power, even if the Hall produced tens of thousands of pill a month, demand would far outstrip supply.
It was easy enough to imagine the vastness of this market with a few simple calculations.
Thus, it was easy to understand why the third hallmaster was so eager to please.
When the contract had been signed, the third hallmaster raised the suggestion of dining at the Autumn Crane, but was politely declined by Jiang Chen. Keeping a low profile was the name of the game in his partnership with the Hall of Healing. He didn’t want it to become common knowledge within the city.
Besides, he was only in a business partnership with the Hall of Healing; they weren’t friendly enough to the point of sharing a drink.
The third hallmaster politely sent Jiang Chen on his way with two other elders accompanying him, including that elder Blue.
Elder Blue still nursed some prejudices against Jiang Chen, and her facial expressions were stiff.
Jiang Chen was well aware of this, and felt that this woman’s magnanimity and grace were as narrow as a rat’s stomach or chicken’s intestines. She better not ruin my plans in the future, I still need to irritate others with sarcastic words when the situation calls for it.
He thought for a bit and suddenly smiled, “Third hallmaster, if we didn’t have this cooperation in place, you most likely would not have sold the Dragonbone Sun Grass to me today, would you?”
“Haha, how can you say that. The Hall still adheres to our rules when conducting business.” The third hallmaster gave a hearty laugh, but even he himself didn’t quite believe his words.
Rules were a dead thing, but people were living. If it wasn’t for this business deal, then the Dragonbone Sun Grass would have gone to anyone but Jiang Chen.
Jiang Chen also laughed heartily and didn’t poke holes in the third hallmaster’s charade. He said, “No matter the reason, I can only say that the third hallmaster made a wise decision.”
“What makes you say that?” The third hallmaster’s interest was piqued.
“Simple. Because obtaining the Dragonbone Sun Grass was a mission ap