Griffing (1956) Method 4 diallel mating design was used to generate F1 crosses among 10 parents. The inbreeding level of parental lines was considered negligible because no self-pollination has been involved in cassava breeding and crosses among related clones are generally avoided. Controlled pollinations were performed following the standard procedures described by Kawano (1980). As many as 31 parental clones were involved in the generation of new segregating pulations
targeting the acid-soil savannas (CIAT, 2002). These materials are generally selected based on their per se performance in this target environment. However, the 10 parents ultimately used in this study were those that allowed for a near balanced set of crosses. The botanical or true seeds were germinated and grown in a screen house until the seedlings were 2 months old, it was then that they were transplanted to the field at CIAT experimental station in Palmira, Valle del auca, Colombia (Calle et al., 2005). F1 plants were grown in the field for 10 months. Among the many progenies (>30) from a given F1 cross, 30 were randomly chosen for this study on the basis of solely their capacity to produce at least six good quality vegetative cuttings. Minor selection was thus unavoidable in determining the group of clones representing each F1 cross in this study. The six stakes (clone) representing one genotype were distributed to the three replicates in each of two locations with different soil conditions, where the evaluations were conducted.
Griffing (1956) Method 4 diallel mating design was used to generate F1 crosses among 10 parents. The inbreeding level of parental lines was considered negligible because no self-pollination has been involved in cassava breeding and crosses among related clones are generally avoided. Controlled pollinations were performed following the standard procedures described by Kawano (1980). As many as 31 parental clones were involved in the generation of new segregating pulationstargeting the acid-soil savannas (CIAT, 2002). These materials are generally selected based on their per se performance in this target environment. However, the 10 parents ultimately used in this study were those that allowed for a near balanced set of crosses. The botanical or true seeds were germinated and grown in a screen house until the seedlings were 2 months old, it was then that they were transplanted to the field at CIAT experimental station in Palmira, Valle del auca, Colombia (Calle et al., 2005). F1 plants were grown in the field for 10 months. Among the many progenies (>30) from a given F1 cross, 30 were randomly chosen for this study on the basis of solely their capacity to produce at least six good quality vegetative cuttings. Minor selection was thus unavoidable in determining the group of clones representing each F1 cross in this study. The six stakes (clone) representing one genotype were distributed to the three replicates in each of two locations with different soil conditions, where the evaluations were conducted.
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