In today’s society, we own smart phones, iPads, computers, and many other forms of technology communication. computers and iPads can be used to send important emails to friends or colleagues
Technology is extremely important in the workplace it use to communication with many customer. Technology allows many businesses to expand more quickly. For example, almost every business will have a social networking website such as Facebook that will allow them to give updates to their audience. Businesses also use video to conference, with another company. In addition, technology is important because it can actually boost communication within the work place. For instance, collogues are able to send instant electronic emails to each other and keep important conversations going throughout the day, while accomplishing the tasks set by their manager. Furthermore, technology within the workplace allows the hiring process to be more efficient and quick as you now have many platforms in which you can seek out potential candidates. Overall, incorporating technology within the workplace saves time as you can send important messages to collogues while remaining productive. In addition, it will essentially save businesses money as now you can have virtual meetings instead of spending money for travel. Technology allows businesses to communicate at a cheaper cost and in a more convenient manner.
Technology is equally important within schools as it is used to communicate important information to students. The use of technology in schools are used as early as grammar school as they have websites such as that allows students and parents to keep track of their grades. Along with this, teachers have the option to leave messages for the parents in case of a concern. This is truly an advancement in the school system with a special thanks to technology as before most teachers would wait until parent teacher conference, which was generally twice throughout the academic year to let the parents know of any issues. In addition to this, most colleges and universities use a website called that allows student to not only view their grades, but interact with their classmates. One of Blackboards best features is the option to host a discussion. This is an excellent way to keep the communication going beyond the classroom that will only further develop college students communication skills. With that being said, technology is continuously playing a huge role in communication in regards to the school system.
Technology in the regards of communication is highly important as we have integrated it within our society overtime. We continuously rely on iPads, smartphones, and computers to interact with others. Technology is important because it allows communication to be more convenient and in some ways, more effective. We use it in the workplace to allow us to communicate with our collogues, it saves time as well as money. We also use it within our schools as it establishes an effective parent-teacher relationship by allowing the parents to see their student’s grades and communicate with the teacher through mail. Overall, technology will continue to be an essential part of how we communicate and interact with others.