Good day to you,
how are you doing? How do you feel? I hope you are fine and all is running well today!
Me? I am still sick, i am getting little better or my cold change in the cough direction as it is normal
when you have a big cold, right? Then it starts with headache, close nose and all is painfull and then
the other things getting better and you get your cough. I am now coughing a lot and get the slime
out of my lungs. I would still prefer not to work, but i dont have choice. I have to finish so many things,
thats terrible.
Last night i slept early, then wake up again, then watch some olympic sport then slept again, i was
waiting for our football team, they played against nigeria and they fight hard and won 2:0 and now
they are in the final, a little bit like 2 years ago, same place where we won the world cup, now final
against brasil, but our juior team is not that strong as the brasil team. You can get three persons
which are older then 21 and the brasil team got neymar, we have not one of our stars in the team,
the clubs dont give them the permit and they played just now the European cup, right?
But this morning 6am our time, our beachvolleyball team, they won gold, they beat in the final the
world champions from brasil 2:0 big surprise, our girls are the first time at the omlympic tournament.
I look ourside, the sun is there, its a nice summer day, not too hot and not cold, around 26-28 degree,
ok it could be a little bit colder for me, but its ok. The autom starts next month, so the leaves will fall
already soon and then its getting some colder, thats a nice time.
I got my taste back today, i could already taste some food again, good, because when i eat and i cant
taste anything, thats something i really dont like, you eat and you dont know how it taste, then better
just drink, right?
For work, its very busy now, because i was some days not there, so i have to work all this back, the most
things ust lay there, nobody else work on it. my workmate came yesterday to me, he is in the other department,
responsible for kindergarden fee, he told me too, every 4 month he send a letter to the department leader
and tells them, that when he got a longer sick leave, a Kur or longer holiday, then there is nobody who will
do his work and then it comes easy to trouble because when there is something wrong, then people cant
really complain, we have a 4 weeks complaining deadline and when he is missing for 6 weeks then it comes
to big trouble. For example parents have to pay 150 Euros and there was a mistake and on the letter stand
they have to pay 300 Euros, then if they dont pay they come in the warning system and an other department
cares for them. What will be a disaster for virgine people, right?
I wish we could walk at the beach today and walk and look over the waves, holding hands, kiss each other,
take some food make a picknick, that would be nice for today.
Dear, when you feel hot sometimes, please send me sometimes video to me, its so nice to know you feeling
hot for me or you touching yours and think on me, just our timedifference is sometimes difficult. But i like
it when you touch your parts and think on me, then i am proud and happy thats me you think on!
I hope you have a nice day over there and please catch my hugs and kisses!