After sticking with loss they understand the position and recognized their mistakes
done in past. The investor came to know about his faults and after that they make
meeting and solve the problems with collaboration negotiation style.
Collaboration Negotiation Style:
As far as the shareholder realize about his mistakes which indulge his business in
declining stage before starting it properly. He called the managing director of
organization from Lahore and makes a meeting in which they discussed all the
matters of renewing the business; and with mutually acceptance they start it with a
new style in which investor gives surety not to put his nose in office affairs and give
the chance to the management to run the office as they want. Here they adopt the
collaboration negotiation style in which both conflicted parties came on one point of
agreement after making discussion.
In this both parties makes arguments in front of each other and satisfied each other
with their intentions needs & wants. So collaboration is the best style of negotiation
that they choose to sort out the problem. For this firstly they should look their own
drawbacks , the blunder that they made by their own self. Than they should discuss
the main problem or confliction that they have with each other. This can make them
able to solve main problems and the time will safe.
In that particular situation when every phase of solving problem method failed in
my opinion collaboration is the best way of negotiation while solved the problem.
To avoid this type of problem occurring again or resolve these problems there is a
process of managing conflicts that are:
1. Preparation & Planning
2. Definition of Ground Rules
3. Classification & Justification
4. Bargaining & Problem Solving
5. Administration & Implementation
Preparation & Planning:
This is the negotiation process to solve the problem in which both conflicted parties
should prepare to discuss what actually the conflict of them with each other like in
this organization the problem didn’t solve at that time when investor realize his
problem and then make plan that how to resolve it. So they should make a plan that
how to discus each and every mater of confliction in which way. It is very important
to make plan before discussed it.
Definition of Ground Rules:
In this process after doing the planning and home work of the whole scenario they
discussed the core definition on ground rules about the confliction.
Classification & Justification:
Now the stage comes when both parties should make table talk as the organization
investor realize his faults and agreed to solve it by making table talk.
He classifies his confliction and first discussed the main problem and the other
person should listen him carefully with patience and justify the solution in proper
Bargaining & Problem Solving:
Now there is a stage when both parties starting to find the solution of problem. Both
parties starts bargaining and gives their terms & conditions