The device goes into the person's chest and is attached to the heart with wires. The wires carry small amounts of electricity to the heart from a battery. That keeps the heart beating as it should. other bionic devices. like Luke Skywalker's new hand, take the place of a part of the body. A major problem in developing bioric devices has been setting up communication between the body and the machine. Normally. the brain tells parts of the body what to do by sending messages along nerves. For example. your brain might send a message to your hand elling it to pick up a pen and write. But how would it tell an artilicial hand to do that? D William Craelius, who has invented an artificial hand says. -Comnmunication is kcy. and it is easle1 Machines are not the only things that can replace a part of the body. A transplant i an operation to move a body part. such as a heart or kidney. from one person to another. One major problem with transplants is a lack of available hearts, kidneys, and so on, so hospitals not keep up with the demand. Patients have to wait. and some patients have no time left. scientists see bionics as the best hope for the future. Using bionics, a patient