3.2.2 Flavour
Canned grapefruit, canned mandarin oranges, canned sweet orange varieties and canned pummelo
shall have a normal flavour and odour free from flavours or odours foreign to the product. Canned grapefruit
with special ingredients shall have a flavour characteristic of that imparted by the grapefruit and the other
substances used.
3.2.3 Texture
The texture shall be reasonably firm and characteristic for the canned product and reasonably free
from dry cells or fibrous portions affecting the appearance or edibility of the product. Whole Segments shall
be practically free from signs of disintegration
3.2.4 Wholeness
For canned grapefruit, canned pummelo or canned sweet orange varieties only - In the style of
Whole Sections or Segments, not less than 50% by weight of drained fruit shall be in whole segments.
3.2.5 Uniformity of Size
For canned mandarin oranges (whole segment style - single sizes only) - In the 95%, by count, of
units (excluding broken segments) that are most uniform in size, the weight of the largest unit shall be no
more than twice the weight of the smallest unit.
3.2.6 Defects and Allowances:
(a) For canned grapefruit, canned sweet orange varieties and canned pummelo:
The finished product shall be prepared from such materials and under such practices that it shall
be reasonably free from extraneous fruit matter such as peel or core or albedo and shall not
contain excessive defects whether specifically mentioned in this Standard or not. Certain
common defects should not be present in amounts greater than the following limitations:
(i) The total surface covered by membrane shall not exceed 20 cm2 per 500 g of total
(ii) Developed seeds shall not exceed 4 per each 500 g of total contents. A developed seed
is defined as a seed which measures more than 9 mm in any dimension.
(iii) Not more than 15% by weight of the drained fruit may be blemished units. A
blemished unit is a fruit section or any portion thereof which is damaged by lye
peeling, by discolouration, or by any other visible injury.
(b) For canned mandarin oranges:
The product shall be substantially free from defects within the limits set forth as follows: