Purpose of the Study
The primary purpose of the present study was to evaluate the applicability of the HPM for predicting physical activity and exercise behaviors in people with SCI. Specifically, we addressed the following research question: To what extent are HPM constructs (i.e., individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-specific cognitions, interpersonal influences, and commitment to action planning) predictive of physical activity/exercise participation for people with SCI? It was hypothesized that each set of HPM predictors would significantly impact the effect size of the overall regression model. This finding would lend support to the use of the HPM as a framework to design more effective
health promotion behavioral interventions for people with SCI. Such programs have the goal of promoting greater engagement in society for people with disabilities through improved health and opportunity for employment and can logically and feasibly be incorporated into the vocational rehabilitation service system.
A total of 126 adults with SCI completed an anonymous online survey that was advertised by the National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA) in a newsletter and in a mass email to members, or recruited other SCI support groups and rehabilitation counseling professors. To be eli- gible to participate, individuals needed to be 18 years of age or older with SCI and able to engage in some form of physical activity and exercise independently. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 76 years (M = 43.5, SD = 13.3). More than half of the participants were male (66.1%) and the majority described themselves as European American (81.0%), followed by Latino (8.7%) and African American (5.6%). The sample reported being relatively well edu- cated: more than 95% of the participants completed high school and more than half (58.7%) earned a college degree. Nearly half of the participants were married or in a signifi- cant long-term relationship (49.2%), and most of the other participants described themselves as single (41.3%). In regard to employment, 41.3% worked either full-time or part-time, 23.8% were retired or not seeking employment, 20.6% were seeking employment, and 14.3% were volun- teering. The current or most recent career category most often selected was “professional” (39.7%), followed by “manager” (18.3%) and “student” (17.5%). Most partici- pants reported a spinal cord lesion at the cervical level (41.3%) or the thoracic level (43.7%). The majority of participants reported that they had partial movement in their arms and no movement in their legs (56.3%).
วัตถุประสงค์ของการศึกษาวัตถุประสงค์หลักของการศึกษาปัจจุบันถูกประเมินความเกี่ยวข้องของของ HPM สำหรับคาดการณ์พฤติกรรมทางกายภาพกิจกรรมและออกกำลังกายในคนที่มี SCI. เฉพาะ เราส่งคำถามวิจัยดังต่อไปนี้: ขอบเขตเป็น HPM โครงสร้าง (เช่น แต่ละลักษณะ และประสบการณ์ cognitions ลักษณะเฉพาะ มีมนุษยสัมพันธ์ และมุ่งมั่นที่จะดำเนินการวางแผน) งานของการเข้าร่วมกิจกรรม/กายคนวิทยาศาสตร์วิศวกรรมหรือไม่ มันถูกตั้งสมมติฐานว่าที่แต่ละชุดของ HPM predictors มากจะส่งผลกระทบขนาดผลของแบบจำลองถดถอยโดยรวม ค้นหานี้จะช่วยสนับสนุนการใช้ HPM ที่เป็นกรอบการออกแบบที่มีประสิทธิภาพงานวิจัยพฤติกรรมส่งเสริมสุขภาพสำหรับคนที่มี SCI. โปรแกรมดังกล่าวมีเป้าหมายส่งเสริมความผูกพันมากกว่าในสังคมสำหรับบุคคลทุพพลภาพสุขภาพดีและโอกาสการจ้างงาน และสามารถทางตรรกะ และชซึ่งรวมอยู่ในระบบบริการฟื้นฟูอาชีพวิธีการผู้เข้าร่วมA total of 126 adults with SCI completed an anonymous online survey that was advertised by the National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA) in a newsletter and in a mass email to members, or recruited other SCI support groups and rehabilitation counseling professors. To be eli- gible to participate, individuals needed to be 18 years of age or older with SCI and able to engage in some form of physical activity and exercise independently. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 76 years (M = 43.5, SD = 13.3). More than half of the participants were male (66.1%) and the majority described themselves as European American (81.0%), followed by Latino (8.7%) and African American (5.6%). The sample reported being relatively well edu- cated: more than 95% of the participants completed high school and more than half (58.7%) earned a college degree. Nearly half of the participants were married or in a signifi- cant long-term relationship (49.2%), and most of the other participants described themselves as single (41.3%). In regard to employment, 41.3% worked either full-time or part-time, 23.8% were retired or not seeking employment, 20.6% were seeking employment, and 14.3% were volun- teering. The current or most recent career category most often selected was “professional” (39.7%), followed by “manager” (18.3%) and “student” (17.5%). Most partici- pants reported a spinal cord lesion at the cervical level (41.3%) or the thoracic level (43.7%). The majority of participants reported that they had partial movement in their arms and no movement in their legs (56.3%).
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