The rapid development of internet and acceleration of the use of web-based technologies cause the penetration of
information technology in processes and systems of human resources and create new approach in human
resources management which is referred to as electronic human resource management. Electronic human
resource management with advanced technologies are supportive and advocator of human resource management.
While the implementation of this system has many advantages in organizations, some researches indicate
hesitation on application of this technology. The present study sought to answer the question of whether
electronic human resource management is effective on effectiveness of human resource management? This study
is considered as a descriptive one. The statistical studied population is the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic
of Iran, and the data was collected using a questionnaire. Research results suggest that the use of electronic
human resources management will lead to effectiveness of human resources management system. At the
beginning, Spearman coefficient test was used in order to investigate hypothesis at the end, use of the
confirmatory factors analysis on general value of research model is investigated and emphasized.