As the visioning journey is an important part of the process, its beginning must be well thought-out. Following a preframing designed to put people at ease and convince them that this is not a recruitment session for the Church of the Cosmic Banana, I ask people to loosen their belts and uncross their legs. I invite those who are used to doing meditation or yoga to sit in any position that helps them feel centred. There are two ways to proceed. The approach of Enspirited Envisioning is to ‘leap into the future time’ and to find yourself in the future environment. This works well for most people. For those who need a bit more time and perhaps a bit of orientation to this way of working, I guide them along a country road, through an old gate into a secret garden, where they meet a young child who takes them on a journey in a hot-air balloon. Either way works. It’s often a matter of timing. The important thing is to guide with confidence, demystifying the journeying process and giving the impression that this is the most natural thing to be doing!