The predictable implications that implementing the WFD may have in an irrigated cereal crop framing system in Baixo Alenteo (Portugal) are quantified when volumetric and flat tariffs and consumption quotas are applied. The WFD effects reported in this paper are analysed in the context of the Agenda 2000 agricultural policy measures ( for a detailed discussion of the combined effects of the WFD and post-Agenda 2000 policy scenarios see Berbel and Gutierrez (2005)).
Farmers' adjustment to alternative water policies were analysed considering farmer's income , water agency revenues, agricultural employment and water demand for irrigation.
Simulation results indicate that a multi-objective desision making model approach constitutes a powerful too to better understand the procession related to natural resources use in agricultural and to assess the policy effects that influence them. The study shows that farmer's responses to policy change ( measured by income , employment and resources use) are dependent on the policy strategy unforced and on the policy level set by WFD.