International Job Seeker Services
Non-Canadian job seekers can register with Education Canada Network. There is a fee of $24.95 USD to register with our site. By paying the fee you will receive the following information and services:
Receive information on teaching in Canada
Receive immigration information
Ability to create a search profile and upload your resume
Ability to upload a cover letter and up to 10 other professional documents
Your profile will be made available for employers in Canada to search and review
Ability to create a jobbot which will notify you of new jobs posted by employers who accept international applicants
Ability to create a jobbot which will notify you of new jobs posted by employers who accept international applicants
Receive notification when a new employer who accepts international applicants joins our site
To complete your registration close this window and return to the our registration page. On our registration page fill out the provided form and click on the "Register" button. Once you click on the "Register" button, you will be taken to a payment window. When your payment has been authorized you will receive an email that will allow you to verify and activate your account. Once your account is activated you will get an email with information on teaching in Canada and living here, as well as you be able to access the above services like uploading your resume and applying to jobs from employers who accept international applicants.
Disclaimer: By paying the registration fee and creating your profile on our site there is no guarantee that you will secure employment or the necessary permits to come and work in Canada. If an employer accepts international applicants, it will the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their credentials are valid in the provincial/territorial jurisdiction of the employer.
If you have any questions please email us at