The G6PD is necessary for cell survival. Erythrocyte deficiency of G6PD was severely sensitive to the deleterious effects of oxidants that may lead to altered structure and functional status of the membrane. Previous research has shown that levels of GSH were significantly lower and levels of GssG higher in RBCs,and levels of lipid per oxidation product were significantly higher in RBCs and the plasma of G6PD deficient subjects when compared with G6PD normal subjects [40-42]. Also erythrocyte carbonic anhydraseIII concentration of G6PD - deficient individuals was decreased , possibly due to increased oxidative damage. This major CA isoenzyme in the RBCs can provide the G6PD dificient person with some extant of protection against oxidative damage[43]. Consequently, an increase in oxidative damage occurrence to the RBC membrane contributes to phosphatidylserine externalization, the accelerated senescence, either directly through oxidation of thiol groups or indirectly by the binding of hemoglobin denaturation products (hemichrome and Heinz bodied)[44-46]
Previous research also has shown that the most dramatic change was observed for RBCs with G6PD deficiency, where the calculated Young's modulus was more than three times larger than in normal cells. The obtained Young's modulus distribution was not symmetric , which may indicate the certain population of erythrocyltes with large alterations in the structure of cytoskeleton [47]. Concentration of primaquine is significantly correlated with G6PD enzymatic activity and is increased in G6PD - deficient as compared with G6PD normal individuals that have been reported [46].