As the years pass, the amounts and levels of advancements regarding the technology in our lives continue to grow. I feel that, yes, technology has the ability to reduce the amounts of stress in some areas of our lives, but at what cost to us? I feel we are becoming so accustomed to being able to access so many things through our electronics at such convenience, we have forgotten that we do not always have to use shortcuts to get even the simplest of tasks accomplished. For example, rather than having banks run by tellers we have machines taking the human error (the excitement) out of the community though of course having theses quick and easy ways of doing things, like depositing a check on your I-phone, can be extremely convenient, we are losing the personal communication and connections we used to make so often with other people. Also, think of all the jobs that will eventually be lost due to technologic advancements replaces human beings…Is this something we are worth risking? Technology has hurt us in a way we never expected, we are losing the personal standards and connections of communication from being to in tune to our electronics.