2.2 Adjouadi et al. [8]
In this paper, The ANN technique classifies normal vs abnormal (i.e., ALL and AML) blood samples. The authors reported classification. Hugo Jair Escalante,Manuel Montes. [9] Proposed PSMS is the application of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to the problem of full model selection (FMS) Given a pool of methods for data preprocessing, feature selection, and pattern classification, and a data set associated with a classification task, FMS is the task of selecting the best combination of methods such that an estimate of generalization performance is maximized for the classification task. In addition, the hyper-parameters must be optimized for each of the selected methods. Thus, PSMSmay be considered as a black-box tool that receives the input data set for a classification task and returns a very effective classification model. A full model is comprised of the serial application of preprocessing, feature selection, and classification methods. For example, in the challenge learning object package (CLOP) [10], (the machine learning toolbox considered in this study), a sample full model is as follows: