In this text we have revised the most important projects currently in the panorama of free geometric application, both those that work on the side of the server and those that use the servers’ services as light or heavy clients. It can be seen that the panorama is wide and varied. There are mature time-honoured projects that continue to develop, as well as new projects that emerge to fill a niche not previously of revitalizing other projects. This diversity shows that there is room for innovation, without abandoning the robustness to deal with any necessity in the most demanding areas. We only have to look at the cases of successful implementation of many of the proposed solutions in this article to realize that free GIS software is a reality not only in among amateurs or in university environments but also in the areas of business and public administration. As can be seen in this figure, there are some key projects in the FOSS4G panorama, such as GDAL or GeoTools, used for many of the desktop and server applications. However, although it could be said that there are tribes related to the programming languages (mainly C and Java), this does not exclude interesting interactions between projects in both languages. These interactions emerge mainly out of the maturity and contrasting efficiency of some projects, so the developer teams make the effort to make the components compatible with both languages in order to obtain benefits in their applications.