Dear Sir,
I am seller on and I sell mizon product on my store.
I need for you to help because my store receive email to review "Mizon Snail repair blemish balm" from Amazon as detail below
"Amazon performs regular hazardous materials (hazmat) reviews of products in our fulfillment centers to help ensure that our shipments meet regulatory requirements and safety standards for our customers and employees. The hazmat status details have changed for one or more of your products. Please read the following information about what this means for your existing inventory and new shipments.
Product(s) Requiring Additional Information for Hazmat Review:
The following product(s) are under review and require additional information: MIZON Snail Repair Blemish Balm
Please provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for your affected product(s). If you do not have access to an MSDS, please request one from your supplier or the manufacturer.
The review period generally takes tree business days after we receive this information. You will receive a determination via e-mail upon completion of our review."
Can you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) "MIZON Snail Repair Blemish Balm " to me.
I have only another 3 days only for send MSDS to Amazon.
Please help me. If I no have MSDS sed to Amazon my store will suspend and can't to sell on Amazon.
Please help me, because if I get suspend from Amazon I have no income for dribble my 3 childrens.
Thank you and best regards,
Noppol W.