The next morning, at 9.20, Mr Cribba age picked the up keys of his truck from the table. There's a lot of people driving around this morning, said Mrs Cribbage, looking out of the window. at are they all doing? when Mr Cribbage went outside, he understood There were cars everywhere in a circle all around his truck, and across all the roads in the park. He couldn't go anywhere. Nobody could go anywhere. He was too angry to speak. And what was worse, all the people in the park stood around, watching him, smiling, calling out: Going to take Patsy's caravan away, were you?' "Want any help?' "Looks a bit difficult to me.' Mr Cribbage found his voice. "That dog has to go. It doesn't belong to anyone. I'm calling the police "That's no good,' someone shouted. "Red's a friend of Bill's. And Red belongs to everybody. Mr Cribbage stood for a moment, then turned and went back into his office. He came out with a gun in his hands. He put two bullets into the gun, put the gun under his left arm, and patted it with his right hand. "When I see that dog,' he called out, he's getting this He turned round and went back inside