I had the prerequisite training, knowledge, and/or skills required to participate in this course/session.
If you answered "Partially" or "No" to this Prerequisite question, please explain why:
The facilities (e.g. location, room) effectively supported learning.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree
Unable to Rate
Overall I was satisfied with this course/session.
The course/session met it's stated objectives.
The knowledge and/or skills gained through this course/session are applicable to my current job functions.
I was satisfied with the overall quality of the course/session materials.
The exercises and/or practical examples were adequate to accomplish the course/session objectives.
The content was delivered in a clear and understandable manner.
All the questions on topics covered got answered.
The facilities (e.g. location, room) effectively supported learning.
The training equipment (hardware and software) performed in a manner consistent with the course/session lab exercises (applicable to hands-on training only).