3. Results and discussions
3.1. Analysis of physical characteristics
The physical properties of canned food products under study were analyzed to evaluate the proximal score and consistency of the food products. The physical characteristics of ‘mango pulp’ and ‘sweet corn cream layer’ analysis have been published earlier (Jayashree & Meeta, 2012). The results are demonstrated in the table given in Table 1. The ash content in canned orange juices was found lowest i.e. (0.5–0.6 mg/g), whereas, their moisture content was highest i.e. (85.92–87.03%). However, the highest ash content was observed in canned baked beans in tomato sauce samples i.e. (65.21–68.91 mg/g) and their moisture content was found lowest i.e. (19.7–21.4%). The viscosity of the ‘sweet corn cream layer could not be measured due to its semi solid nature.