The present study also confirms that sodium fluoride mouth rinse is a potent antibacterial with antifungal ability and this finding is in agreement with previous reports.[3,17] Fluoride with essential oil mouth rinse is a newer commercially available mouth rinse with the rationale of treating or preventing both dental caries and gingivitis.[5] A number of well-conducted studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of essential oils against gram-negative flora associated with gingivitis and, to some extent, against gram-positive organisms including S. mutans.[19,20] The ability of sodium fluoride to significantly reduce or even reverse the initiation and progression of dental caries is also well documented.[3,4,21] The fluoride content in both fluoride with essential oils and sodium fluoride mouth rinses used in this study was 0.05%; yet, sodium fluoride mouth rinse was found to be significantly more efficacious than fluoride with essential oil mouth rinse against the cariogenic bacteria. This finding is