„Ha, I can have any view, the world altogether enemy, I and Xuanyuan not bitter hatred, on the contrary they have a wisp of friendly reason, I also very much anticipated that which step he can arrive.” Xuan Ji is caressing own beard lightly, smiles is as deep as a well.
„Indeed so, I also very much anticipated that hopes Mr. Xuan Ji can let the northern state ‚Heavens Secret’ the person of headquarters, shows mercy to Xuanyuan.” Xia Ziyu reveals Bei Chi, the smiling face like the flower, cuts into the subject directly.
„May I ask ‚nine days of profound females’, why does Xuanyuan let your such being careful?” The Xuan Ji child look is very tranquil, slow sound track.
„This person in the future, has boundless prospects , the world person and he for the enemy, we might as well with it is a friend, improves on perfection to might as well give opportune help, in any case by your my status, some people will not be disadvantageous to us because of Xuanyuan, with every effort the help is, the slight effort, not loses.” ‚Nine days of profound females’ be with smile on the face, constant, in the heart does not have one to palpitate.
„The Ming of judge, ‚nine days of profound females’ really extraordinary, relax, even if I do not make them show mercy, ‚Immortal Mengyan Gui’ the ominous prestige, has made them not dare to act rashly, although ‚Heavens Secret’ has inside story resistance ‚Immortal Mengyan Gui’, the price that but needs to pay was too big.” Xuan Ji was presented as a gift the sentiment of Tea Leaf by Xuanyuan, deeply has the same feeling, ‚nine days of profound females’ civil and military between contradictory existence for balanced ‚Northern Imperial Court’, the meaningful glance of judge are really worthily accurate.
„Mr. Xuan Ji overpraised, I have the matter, then said goodbye.” The voice falls, Xia Ziyu then floating departs, the profound clothes flutters, in the wind and snow, is similar to the snow the demon, leaps in nine days.