He had never even traveled to the mainland himself, but he had met many traveler - different kinds of men, speaking different kinds of language.
There were the gentleman fisherman, who spoke good English and kept their purses open. They were friendly with Donald, and he was happy to take them out in his boat, teaching them about the lochs and showing them the places where the big fish hid.
Then there were the traveling salesmen with their big heavy cases, which made the boat low in the water, and caused Donald much worry in rough weather.
Sometimes another kind of traveler went through the islands, looking for old songs and stories. Donald liked them because they were friendly and had the Gaelic. But weren't they foolish people, coming so far just to hear an old song about Fionn and Ossian, dead hundreds of years!
He had never even traveled to the mainland himself, but he had met many traveler - different kinds of men, speaking different kinds of language.
There were the gentleman fisherman, who spoke good English and kept their purses open. They were friendly with Donald, and he was happy to take them out in his boat, teaching them about the lochs and showing them the places where the big fish hid.
Then there were the traveling salesmen with their big heavy cases, which made the boat low in the water, and caused Donald much worry in rough weather.
Sometimes another kind of traveler went through the islands, looking for old songs and stories. Donald liked them because they were friendly and had the Gaelic. But weren't they foolish people, coming so far just to hear an old song about Fionn and Ossian, dead hundreds of years!
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