Two weeks of touch intervention, either Yakson or Gentle Human Touch
(GHT) have been shown to reduce the levels of stress hormones. This study
evaluated the acute impact of both interventions on state during and immediately
after touch. Forty preterm infants with a gestational age of ≤34 weeks
received either Yakson or GHT for 15 days. A significantly greater sleeping
state was identified in both groups after touch. This effect was significantly
stronger with Yakson than GHT. During touch, about half the Yakson
infants showed an arousal effect while the GHT infants showed little change.
Both interventions left the babies calmer after touch. This calming effect
is consistent with the previously observed effect on stress hormones and
should be beneficial in terms of growth and development. Yakson had an
arousing effect on a subset of the infants during touch, which possibly could
be beneficial in terms of social development.