Except for landfill leaks, the rest of samples were sampled in a
big tank where they were introduced. The dimensions of these
tanks were 1 1 1 m and they were filled halfway to the top.
Carrying out the experiments in tanks has the advantage ofremoving possible external interferences, such as, for instance,
from road traffic. Although, it is essential in these experiments that
the diffusion of the compounds given off be allowed. Therefore, on
top of the tank there was a short cylindrical tube, 19 cm in diameter
and 19 cm in length, which allowed diffusion and also avoided
water saturation (Fig. 1). This is the critical point in this experiment,
the aperture of the tank must not be too big to avoid external
interferences, but neither too tight because the water saturation
could cause problems during sampling.
Except for landfill leaks, the rest of samples were sampled in abig tank where they were introduced. The dimensions of thesetanks were 1 1 1 m and they were filled halfway to the top.Carrying out the experiments in tanks has the advantage ofremoving possible external interferences, such as, for instance,from road traffic. Although, it is essential in these experiments thatthe diffusion of the compounds given off be allowed. Therefore, ontop of the tank there was a short cylindrical tube, 19 cm in diameterand 19 cm in length, which allowed diffusion and also avoidedwater saturation (Fig. 1). This is the critical point in this experiment,the aperture of the tank must not be too big to avoid externalinterferences, but neither too tight because the water saturationcould cause problems during sampling.
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