'But this is an express train,' I said. And it takes us straight to the boat to France. So surely he cannot follow us.'
'My dear Watson, clearly you do not realize the great ability of this man. He can take a special train and s follow us. This train stops at Canterbury; and there is always a delay of fifteen minutes at the port before the boat leaves. He will catch us there.'
'What shall we do then?' I asked.
'We shall leave this train at Canterbury.' to
And then?'
'We shall travel eighty miles to a different port, and sail over to France from there. Moriarty will follow our luggage to Paris and wait for us there. But meanwhile we shall go to Switzerland instead.' 15 At Canterbury we left our train. While we were i waiting, a special train passed quickly through the station.
'There he goes,' said Holmes as we secretly watched.
The end of his life's work' 20
We were in France that night, and then travelled slowly towards Switzerland. On Monday morning Holmes sent a telegram to the London police, and in the evening he received their reply.
'I should have realized!' he cried. 'He has escaped.' 'Moriarty?'
'Yes. They have arrested the whole group except him,' Holmes explained. 'He found a way to escape. Of course, when I left the country, there was no one able to fight such a man. But I thought I had given the police all the help they needed for his arrest. And now, you must return, Watson.'
'Why?' I asked