The greatest difficulties arise in the sorption preconcentration
of low molecular weight polar VOCs, such as methanol. All the
known sorbents can poorly retain similar substances at room
temperature. In this context previously suggested in gas chromatography sorbents based on salts of transition and alkaline earth
metals appear to be the most promising [15]. In this context previously in gas chromatography suggested sorbents based on salts
of transition and alkaline earth metals appear to be the most
promising. However, these sorbents cannot provide retention of
nonpolar substances. According to the literature [16], these salts
have a high solubility not only in water, but also in polar organic
solvents. These solvents allow us to apply salts to nonwater wet
hydrophobic sorbents which are widely used for sorption preconcentration of organic vapors in the air analysis [17].