The exchange of gases in the body of the man's lung, which is happening 2 and tissue.
Lungs-a gas exchange occurs between the > in the bag, air filling your lungs with capillaries. Doioksichen from lung air sacs to spread into the lung capillaries around the wind bag and clubbed with hemoglobin (Hb; haemoglobin), the surface of the daengklai blood sea he the host bills (oxyhemoglobin; HbO2) which has a fresh red blood with out this hemoglobin c are sent into the heart and inject pump to various tissues throughout the body.
Tissue-> hemoglobin breakdown to CD design-, oxygen and hemoglobin. Oxygen is introduced into the cells of the tissue cells receive oxygen.
While receiving oxygen tissue. Carbon dioxide occurs in a cell, it will spread into the blood vessel. Most of the carbon dioxide would react with water in the red blood cells occurs as the new silk road cargo EPL acid (H2CO3), which continue to break hydrogen carbonate ion (HCO3-) and a hydrogen ion (H +) when blood containing hydrogen carbonate ion flow into many hearts will be the pump line Lake.When the fuzz around the hydrogen carbonate ion and lung air sacs hydrogen ion incorporation into acid degradation, thus providing the new car is followed by carbon dioxide and water in the red blood cells, as a result, the density of carbon dioxide in the capillaries is higher than carbon dioxide in the lungs, the air bag's spread of carbon dioxide from the capillaries into the lung air sacs.