I rarely ever message someone first, if I don't, it means that I took one look at you and hate everything that you stand for.
I'm joking I'm quite shy.
The idiot's guide to not incurring my terrible wrath:
Step 1: Read my profile.
Step 2: Induce laughter/revulsion.
Step 3: Click message:
Step 4: Type up an actual message, one that is interesting, isn't bland, doesn't give me diabetes or ask me to be your friend. You're not my friend. You don't have any friends.
Step 5: Don't ask how I am, I am in a state of being that far is far beyond the complexities your mortal brain can comprehend.
Step 6: Don't even think to add me without even gaining my trust, and even by then I only want to add to your suffering.
Step 7: Wait for a response, I will take my sweet time answering back, I will decide to cook an intensively prepared meal, I will comb my hair and make strange faces at the mirror, I will go outside and make boring small talk with my neighbours and drink industrial grade ethanol, strip naked and paint esoteric symbols on my chest and harass God fearing pedestrians as Captain Nugget and his trusty sidekick Helmut. But I will message you back if you aren't shit.
Step 8: If you call yourself open minded and yet you block Africans from talking to you, repeat Step 7 ad infinitum.
Step 9: Commence in conversation, if I like you enough, I will ask for your Skype address, you can then add me as a friend here. Prematurely adding me will authorise me to cite hidden amendment 225.26(c) of the United Nations constitution granting me permission to layeth the smacketh down on your monkey ass.
Follow this simple 9 step programme and I guarantee that you'll be cured of alcoholism, poor right-wing based worldviews, rickets and butthurt.
Failure to follow these demands shall result in swift and utterly devastating