3.3. Cooking properties and color parameters of low fat corn silk meatballs
Cooking properties (cooking yield, juiciness and shrinkage) of corn silk meatballs are shown in Table 4.
Cooking yield of meatballs was decreased with corn silk powder addition. Cooking yield is the most important for
meat manufacturing process to predict the characteristic of products during cooking because of non-meat ingredients
or other parameters (Pietrasik & Li-Chan, 2002). Cooking yield varied between 82.84 - 90.48%. Meatballs produced
with the addition of 1 and 2% corn silk powder had not significantly difference from control. Addition of corn silk
powder in meatballs showed the results of increased juiciness. This result is relevant with the decrease amount of
moisture and fat when corn silk powder was added in to. It revealed that the addition of corn silk powder would