from the viewpoints of learners. When students
learn that they can generate and publish images,
sounds, and language in ways that demonstrate
their learning, they are set free from traditional
forms of testing.Multimedia productions provide
opportunities for constructing authentic demon-
strations of learning. Changing the medium of
presentation for what is learned can change
classroom dynamics in very important ways.
By working together to generate productions of
knowledge, the students and the teacher become
both learners and creators of new knowledge.
However, it is important to be aware of some
possible barriers to multimedia projects. Steel-
man (2005) identified technical difficulties with
software, hardware, and networks, and lack of
teachers having uniformed tools, as main hin-
drances. Time restraints, teacher training, and
keeping up with permission slips were other
difficulties cited. Such stumbling blocks occurred
in this research project. In the course of de-
veloping their multimedia projects, the students
encountered software glitches and computer mal-
functions that led to a great deal of frustration
for them. And it caused more anxiety when there
was no prompt technical support. In addition, it
was challenging for the instructor to address the
needs of all students because they had different
levels of computer skills and interests. For ex-
ample, those who were not familiar with Web
site design needed more time and more teacher
guidance to complete their Web site projects,
and some experienced students could finish their
assignments much faster with less assistance.
Obviously, multimedia segments by themselves
are insufficient. Students still need practice in
working with the teacher and their peers and
practice in other formats to solidify cognitive
learning. In addition, the teacher needs to able to
customize instruction in such a way as to fit the
target students’ knowledge levels and learning
goals. As in the original meaning of the word
technology, the efforts and creativity of both
the teacher and students should be seamlessly
woven into the implementation of technology
to bring out the best outcome of multimedia-
assisted, project-based learning.