complicated autobiographical publications as well as videos and interviews gathered throughout his lifetime. Although recognized as one of the most influential painters in the world, his unusual behaviour has been linked to his incredible need for fame and attention. Salvador Dali has been analyzed and continues to be analyzed indefinitely; however, this analysis attempts to illustrate a Dali personality profile through the use of Urie’s (1979) Ecological Systems Theory (EST) in order to precisely review the relevance of his biographical/autobiographical content. Furthermore, utilizing Benjamin’s (1996) interpersonal perspective, Bandura’s (1977) social learning theory, Kohut’s (1971) theory of narcissism and a brief description of personality temperaments (Feist & Feist, 2009) will significantly aid in producing a personality structure for Dali. As there is a link between personality and personality development, as well as personality and personality disorders, this essay will utilize a descriptive analysis of autobiographical and biographical information, as well as theory to explain different aspects relating to personality development, in order to explore the evolution of Salvador Dali’s persona and personality style.