Cavite Credit Card Payment Form
i. Complete Billing Address
Pleose note that the Manila office of your credit card compony require the above inJormotion to
successfully process your payment. Kindly fill ALL the above space with complete information.
Please fax us a photocopv of the front and back oan of your credit card os well as a volid
identificotion csrd. Further. the hotel chorae 7 niahtfor NO SHOW.
Thank You
Reminders when Checking-out from the resort (for dir*t individual bookings onlyl
For Credit Card payments sent by fax using
Our Credit Card Payment Form:
Please note that the Manila Office of your credit card company requires Microtel Cavite to
request the Cardholder to sion the actual Credit Card Sales Slip when checking-out from the
resort. Although you previously sent us your payment using our Credit Card Payment form by
facsimile, your actual signature on the Credit Card Sales Slip will enable both Microtel Cavite
and you to have a record of the transaction for future reference. We assure you that signing
your actual Credit Card Slip will not result to double-charging.