This paper critically analyzes the work culture for a mainstream financial organization operating within Pakistan,
while drawing a specific example to elucidate certain dilemmas that impede the potential growth for the financial
sector and its constituent workforce, besides hampering the performance of the organizations. The case study is
related to an organization in financial sector which conducts a Management Trainee Program with the purpose to
select, train and develop a high-potential pool of talent into future leaders and fore-runners of the organization. This
paper critically analyzes several inherent problems that face the successful implementation of the trainee program
under the frameworks of various theories of organizational management. To solve these problems, this article
presents a detailed diagnosis of the management shortcomings to improve the firm‟s corporate culture, work ethics
and employee handling strategy and mechanism. Recommendations are also made to minimize the problems and
maximize the success of the Management Trainee Program in the case study organization