The Best Couple of 2012 as voted by you the fans was.. RICHARD CASTLE & KATE BECKETT "Castle" .
This poll was basically 2 different polls in 1. The 1st couple days, it was all Lost Girl couple of Bo & Dr. Lauren Lewis, as they had almost as many votes as the 2nd, 3rd & 4th challengers combined for awhile. The last couple days was all about Castle. In the end, the Lost Girl fanbase just was not large enough to hold on. Personally, I see the Caskett win as a bit underwhelming. I for a long time wanted this couple to get together...but when they finally did, I just didnt feel like it was all that special. The will they or wont they was answered, and it lead to pretty underwhelming results in my opinion...however, Castle fans disagreed with me & voted them in as best couple on the 1st year they were officially eligible.
"Castkett" beat runner ups Bo & Lauren by a slim 58 votes. 3rd, Fringe couple Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham "Polivia" was a distant 280 votes back, and 94 votes ahead of 4th place "Shamy" The Big Bang Theory couple of Dr. Sheldon Cooper & Amy Farrah Fowler. The finalists were rounded out by Psych couple Shawn Spencer & Juliet O'Hara "Shules" 47 behind 4th.
Caskett knocked off the defending champs from Lost Girl. With the deletion of the couple from Smallville, these were the same top 3 finalists as last year, For the 2nd year in a row, the best couple winners actors were an all Canadian pair (Katic - Hamilton, ON. Fillion - Edmonton, AB)
Final vote totals
Richard Castle & Kate Beckett (Caskett) "Castle" 597
Bo & Dr. Lauren Lewis "Lost Girl" 539
Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham (POlivia) "Fringe" 259
Dr. Sheldon Cooper & Amy Farrah Fowler (ShAmy) "The Big Bang Theory" 165
Shawn Spencer & Juliet O'Hara (Shules) "Psych" 118