4.2 The framework for the role of the government economic management.
The basic argument concerning the role of government economic policy taken in this chapter is based on the oriental philosophy of Taolsm and the Hayekian philosophy: that there exists a natural market order In the economy that arises endogenously and sponta independent of any outside intervention. neously, Competition in the market is a natural process of discovering the op imal outcome, which cannot be determined in advance According to thls view, the economic role of government should be confined to preserving the spontaneity and endogeneity of the market order-it should refrain from Intervening through direct regulation. To this end, the government should establish a regime of fair competition in the economic and social system so that the discovery function of the market order can be uNlized to-the highest degree. Within this frame- work, the role of the government should be limited to defining the economic and social environments; that is to say, to determine the exogenous variables for the market order, while the determination of the variables should be left to the market. If the government endogenous variables, it must participate in the wants to Influence the endogenous market order in the same manner as private economic agents, or change the environment or incentive structure for the market order in such a variables in the desired direction way as to Influence the endogenous Instead of allowing the market to guide the economy, over the past endogenous varithirty years the Korean government has manipulated ables in order to facilitate rapld growth. For example, a steep rise in property prices caused by a surge in demand has not been uncommon In Korea over the past three decades. One key cause of the rise was a legal ceillng on Interest rates In the face of recurrent high inflation inflation In general erodes the real value of any nominal assets, espe cially if there is a limit to the compensation one can demand for high inflation(i.e., Inflation premium in nominal interest rates) and thus real assets such as land and buildings are quite desirable alternatives The Korean government has typically adopted special regulatory mea sures to control prices(or set official prices) to curb rising land prices speculation by appealing on noral and also has tried to discourage variable that is ethical grounds. Instead of fixing the endogenous
prices the government could have perhaps removed the ceiling on interest rates and more fundamentally should have adopted anti- inflationary monetary policies. In another example of direct Intervention, the government used to the blame on the chaebols for peculiar behavioral patterns, characterized by overdiversification, over-concentration of economic power, non-separation of ownership and imanagement, and inheritance of managerial power. These are, mode of however, endogenous variables. It was the interventionistic thinking that led to policies relying completely upon the direct regulabehaviors, without addressing the tion of the chaebols, endogenous environment for such behaviors. As a result, causes of or Institutional chaebol policy was unsuccessful. As we will illustrate further in later government policy should concentrate on fixing exogenous chapters, variables such as institutions or an incentive structure.