My Dearest,
I always enjoy the beautiful pictures that you send. It is good to see you.
Today was still cold, 2 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below freezing but it did not feel as bad as it has been lately. Next week is supposed to be even better, but still below freezing.
I miss you Mickey. I would like to see you on video soon.
I hope that you are feeling better. You need to get plenty of rest. Rest, drink as much as you can and take vitamins D3 and vitamin C. Zinc will help as well. But rest is most important. Don't worry about writing. I understand completely. So rest soundly and do not worry about a thing. If you were here, I would happily take care of you.
I took a picture this morning and I will send it to you.
I love the pictures. Mickey, sometimes you look like a teenager. I mean that as a sincere compliment. You are a beautiful woman.
With love,