Human tissue and organ failure caused by defects, injuries or other types of damage is one of the most devastating and costly problems in human health care. Different surgical strategies have been developed to address these problems, including total artificial substitutes, such as joint prosthesis and artificial kidney, non-living processed tissues such as heart valves, and autogenic or allogenic tissues (transplantation) [1]. The shortage of donor organs, the necessity of lifelong immunosuppression and its serious complications remain the main obstacles for organs transplantation. Moreover, transferred tissue does not present all the functions of the native tissue and can involve donor-site complication. Concerning non biological materials problems can occur such, as infection, lack of biocompatibility and limited durability. For these reasons, stem cells, Tissue Engineering (TE) and organogenesis have become promising and important fields of research, which may offer not only tissues and organs for transplantation, but can also open new perspectives for treatment of diseases