The bioavailability results were found higher for orange
(95.37%) and apple (90.71%) drinks, where the grape juice addition
decreased that value to 83.38 and 86.34 for orange-grape
and apple-grape blends, respectively (P < 0.05).As Ferguson (2001)
mentioned, the decrease in bioavailability could be due to the
phenolic compounds in the white grape juice which is related
to its perceived role as ‘antinutrients’, particularly due to its ability
to reduce the digestibility of proteins, either by direct precipitation
or by inhibition of enzyme activity. Froma bioavailability
standpoint, orange juice is the most appropriate for CJD production.
However, all the CJD products could be viewed as good
sources of health-promoting nutritional factors due to the high
bioavailability of hydrolyzed collagen.