1. Introduction
Work plays an impressive role in people’s lives. People have
to work in physical environments which influence their
ability and their propensity to work every day. The majority
of them spend at least a third or 50% of their time within an
indoor physical environment that affects their thoughts,
emotions and actions. Thus, a poor workplace arrangement or
design has the potential to influence and impairment an
individual’s health, comfort and well-being. Studies in social
and environmental psychology have established that the
quality of the physical environment have a critical effect and
consequence on people’s attitude and performance
(Heerwagen, 1998; Lee and Brand, 2005; MacMillan, 2012).
In designing workspaces open layouts are one of the most
popular office designs in today’s industries. According to
Hedge (1982) there are two basic reasons behind the
popularity and leaning to the usage or development of openplan
offices; one is financial reason and the other one is to
add open-plan solution. In the case of financial open-plan
offices provide more flexibility to organizations in structure
and engage less space for each occupant; consequently they
reduce the cost of real estate. Many employees can place and
work in a giant space, so the place can be used more
effectively. The notion of adding open-plan solutions refers
to promote knowledge sharing, support teamwork and
creativity (Brennan et al., 2002; Hua, 2007).