Dear Kh. Su,
As discussed yesterday and suggested by Anjie Mam that holding cash in hand can be risky , So you can deposit the cash in hand in the Bank account of Anjie Mam…
Also as discussed Expenses for which we have a valid invoice against the name of Cryoviva can be accounted in the books of Cryoviva under transplant account and all the other expenses ( which you have mentioned as unofficial) for which we do not have valid Invoices and Expenses for printing/purchasing of T- Shirts can be set off against these receipts from selling of T shirts and the Balance amount can be deposited into Charity fund opened …
For any assistance or any further guidance you can co –ordinate with Kh. Grichapol in Finance and accounts. Please send all the details/ documentary proof to Kh. Grichaphol for recording and keeping transparency for these expenses and receipts mentioned above.
Kh. Grichaphol in reading , please make a separate file for all these records ..