A business knowledge base is important for enterprises (Gorman, Rosa, & Faseruk, 2005). Knowledge is beneficial to people economically, culturally, and spiritually (Muneename & Suwannattachote, 2012). In this study, we found several problems facing community enterprises in Don Chang sub district, Khon Kaen province, such as product designs that are not attractive to customers, products that cannot sell in mass markets and cannot compete with products from factories; however, the strength and opportunity of community enterprises are trending upwards, as is demand for hand made products. The big questions for community enterprises are how to design products, how to manage their marketing issues, and how to develop their skills. The study found that most community enterprises in Don Chang sub-district lack knowledge and skills because most members of community enterprises are older people and have low education, so knowledge development in all facets of management is very important, especially marketing, accounting, finance, product design, and operational skill, to maximize the quality of products. To address the marketing issue, community enterprises should design and create products to meet future customer needs. In addition, all community enterprise development programs can not develop without government support and setting up free training programs for them. In