The impact of agroforestry systems on the existing farming systems could be
better understood if we analyze the associated changes in the crop allocation,
input use, income and nutrient availability due to their introduction. A
comparison of the changes in the above variables under three different
scenarios analyzed in this paper is given in Table 4. The changes in net
income due to drumstick show a small decline for small farmers while a
marginal increase for the large farmers. Growing leucaena however results in
increased income for both type of farmers in both farming systems. The
percentage of income increase is more for small farmers in irrigated farming
and more for large farmers in dryland farming systems.
One of the major benefits of agroforestry is through the provision of green
manure. However, the contribution of green manure might vary depending
on other potential uses of the tree crop. In irrigated farming where relatively
less organic manure was used to start with small farmers benefit more than