if i see u here online, i can not trust u.. is normal, i care about everything in serious way, every cheat start with a simply "Hello", so if u really want to be serious, you should concentrate yourself 100% on my and yourself, nobody else.
u also don't trust me if u see me online in a dating website.
i am naughty, yes is true! But naughty just with my baby, is my privacy with my girlfriend, doesn't mean to be bad, is mean to be in confidence and very intime together, is the key to trust each other more and more.
naughty and serious, so i am.
I really like u baby, but i want you only for me, i would never accept to share you with other guys, even for a nice talk.. nobody need to do that. and i will just be yours in all ways, no other girls, nobody else between me and u
i know the most thaigirls like to have many mens to talk, to can choose..
but it's a big bullshit, if u have more u will never concentrate 100% to one and u will never choose right, just a roulette.
take one and get a try as well, if don't work, stop and take the next one. but not all together, is a big bullshit.
and finally i am not just a "choose" like a toy, u want me or u don't want me, that's it.