Procedure for the EIS
After the procedure for the draft EIS is completed, the project proponent examines the opinions
received, reviews the draft EIS and makes the EIS.
After completion, the EIS is sent to the agency authorizing the project (for example, to the Minister
of Infrastructure, Land and Transport in case of roads or airports), as well as to the Minister of the
Environment, and it is examined from the viewpoint of environmental protection. The Minister of the
Environment expresses his/her opinion to the authorizing agency. The authorizing agency considers the
opinions of the Minister of the Environment, and then presents his/her opinion to the project proponent.
The project proponent reviews the EIS taking into account those opinions, makes the final EIS and
sends it to the prefectural governor, the municipal mayors, and the authorizing agency. He/she also
publicly notifies the document and allows anyone to review it at local government offices and the
proponent’s offices, etc. for a period of one month.
Until the final EIS is made to the public, the project proponent can not implement any part of the