Emotional support
This influence can signify any one of several different effects. It can indicate a time when emotional contact with friends is very important to you. If you or your friend has something very personal to say, something that touches either of you at a deeper emotional level than usual, this is a good time to say it. Contact between yourself and friends is much deeper than usual now. A related effect of this influence is to bring a female friend or friends into prominence in your life, and in general you should find it easier to get along with them now. In friendships you will probably feel more protective and supportive than usual, or you will attract someone who gives you needed emotional support.
Emotional depth
During this period your communications with others are likely to be very subjective, colored by personal considerations and not always factually accurate. On the other hand, your usually casual conversations with others have an emotional depth that can make these discussions very important now. You are not satisfied with the superficial face that other people show you, nor are you likely to show them a shallow side of yourself. So if you can keep conscious control of your emotions and not lose your objectivity, this can be a time of really meaningful communications. Female relatives may play an important role in your life at this time, and one of them may conceivably be able to teach you something about yourself.