The right staff
Agree and fund workforce model
Propose appropriate remuneration package
Propose recruitment plan
Core skill competency framework developed following consultation, which will hopefully be enhanced by the implementation of an electronic system.
The career framework including behavioral, role and skill based competencies and was launched in November and December 2013 at decentralized consultation events involving 1,500 nursing staff and the feedback received was collated.
HMC Professional Code of Behaviors and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives has been developed and agreed by the Nursing Executive Committee (NEC) and will be launched in September 2014.
New pay scales have been proposed. Corporate Nursing is working with HR and Finance departments to develop a detailed pay structure..
Scope of Practice developed and formally agreed at NEC for the Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP), as well as role competencies for the education and management tracks.
Introduction of CNS role; 19 in post to date and 6 recruited; 50 additional CNS posts have been created.
Strategic recruitment paper has been developed by Corporate Nursing which will build the foundations for more focused work with our HR colleagues.
Unit Demographics Database introduced by facility which provides a centralized collection of staffing data and unit classification by Director of Nursing at the unit level.
Educated to the right standards
Agree and fund workforce model
Propose appropriate remuneration package
Propose recruitment plan
American Nurse credentialing center (ANCC) Continuing Nursing education accreditation achieved on 25th of February 2014.
New governance structure for education provision has been agreed at NEC.
The total number of nurses receiving sponsorship for nursing degrees has increased from 134 students in 2012, to 266 in 2013.
Qatari Nurse Development, Success and Succession Planning office is currently being established and will be launched in May 2014. This office will support all the Qatari nurses in HMC to ensure their professional development and develop the nurse leaders of the future.
5 day Head Nurse Leadership Program and a 3 day Director of Nursing Leadership Program, developed and delivered in collaboration with PHI, commenced in February 2014. This will include over 250 nurses.
Draft review paper of potential universities from MENA and South Asia regions for graduate recruitment was developed, to be progressed in June 2014.
NMER Department was awarded a Star of Excellence (Education); Educational Series on Building Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship.
QEWS (Qatar Early Warning Score) introduced in Emergency Department and all wards at Hamad General Hospital, supported by an education program from NMER.
Nurse-led IV therapy unit introduced in March 2014.
Introduction of Nursing Grand Rounds (NGR); NGRs provide a forum to share clinical expertise and
best practice.
Launch of corporation-wide nursing newsletter, The Nurse Advocate, as well as the Nursing
Department microsite.
A World Class Nursing Service at HMC Action Plan: October – March 2014
The right staff•Agree and fund workforce model•Propose appropriate remuneration package•Propose recruitment plan•Core skill competency framework developed following consultation, which will hopefully be enhanced by the implementation of an electronic system.•The career framework including behavioral, role and skill based competencies and was launched in November and December 2013 at decentralized consultation events involving 1,500 nursing staff and the feedback received was collated.•HMC Professional Code of Behaviors and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives has been developed and agreed by the Nursing Executive Committee (NEC) and will be launched in September 2014.•New pay scales have been proposed. Corporate Nursing is working with HR and Finance departments to develop a detailed pay structure..•Scope of Practice developed and formally agreed at NEC for the Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP), as well as role competencies for the education and management tracks.•Introduction of CNS role; 19 in post to date and 6 recruited; 50 additional CNS posts have been created.•Strategic recruitment paper has been developed by Corporate Nursing which will build the foundations for more focused work with our HR colleagues.•Unit Demographics Database introduced by facility which provides a centralized collection of staffing data and unit classification by Director of Nursing at the unit level.Educated to the right standards•Agree and fund workforce model•Propose appropriate remuneration package•Propose recruitment plan•American Nurse credentialing center (ANCC) Continuing Nursing education accreditation achieved on 25th of February 2014.•New governance structure for education provision has been agreed at NEC.•The total number of nurses receiving sponsorship for nursing degrees has increased from 134 students in 2012, to 266 in 2013.•Qatari Nurse Development, Success and Succession Planning office is currently being established and will be launched in May 2014. This office will support all the Qatari nurses in HMC to ensure their professional development and develop the nurse leaders of the future.•5 day Head Nurse Leadership Program and a 3 day Director of Nursing Leadership Program, developed and delivered in collaboration with PHI, commenced in February 2014. This will include over 250 nurses.•Draft review paper of potential universities from MENA and South Asia regions for graduate recruitment was developed, to be progressed in June 2014.•NMER Department was awarded a Star of Excellence (Education); Educational Series on Building Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship.•QEWS (Qatar Early Warning Score) introduced in Emergency Department and all wards at Hamad General Hospital, supported by an education program from NMER.•Nurse-led IV therapy unit introduced in March 2014.•Introduction of Nursing Grand Rounds (NGR); NGRs provide a forum to share clinical expertise andbest practice.•Launch of corporation-wide nursing newsletter, The Nurse Advocate, as well as the NursingDepartment microsite.A World Class Nursing Service at HMC Action Plan: October – March 2014
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