Dog Whisper" is documentary film
This documentary film will showing a one of problem in Thailand.This problem is "stray dogs".
In Thailand,Number of animal abandoned increase in everyday. in the same way, Number of Thai people raise a pet increase in everyday.
Thailand government didn't have policy to solve this problem.if someone want have a pet.They will buy in pet shop without condition from government
Many people said "I love dog" no matter what will happen i will love my dog. However,When their's dog was old or ugly.They will abandon their's dog in temple or side streets.On the other hand, Stray dog have someone was take care them,Some one love dog without any condition
They spend time and money for take care it. However,Life is uncertain.They don't know what will happen in tomorrow.When they gone died,Who will take care this dog.
And now.This movie will tell what they want when they gone.
Sometime they just want the worlds love stray dog like friend lived in the world
This movie is filming without money support by sponsorship now
This movie will finish in July,2016