How To Combat Mobile Click Fraud
Mobile Click Fraud – Click Fraud is defined as the practice of clicking on ads for the sole purpose
of earning money directly and/or causing harm to another company’s advertising campaign.In a
survey last year from Pontiflex they noted that 47% of mobile app users reported that they click/tap
on mobile ads more often by mistake than they do on purpose.
Result: Since most mobile advertising models charge advertisers by the click, just from this survey
result alone is enough to strike fear into anyone running mobile advertising. Nearly half of the people
clicking your shit didn’t mean to. How nice of them right?
Another study by mobile app marketing platform Trademob found that 40 percent of mobile clicks on
ads are essentially useless, the result of accidental presses or fraud. That’s one of the challenges
facing mobile advertising, which is still lagging online advertising.
Watch the webinar below. What you are about to see and hear is pretty damn disturbing. But, there
are gold nuggets within the video that you can use to combat the mobile click fraud that’s out there.