So, two common arguments used to criticize strict liability—unfairness and cost—seem unconvincing. Likewise, two common arguments used to jus¬tify this standard seem unconvincing. Both McCall and Brenkert argue, how¬ever, that fairness does count in favor of the strict liability standard" Brenkert argues that the exchange between seller and buyer should be understood on the model of a competition in which each party competes with the other to optimally satisfy their own interests. Central to the idea of fair competition is an element of equal opportunity. Brenkert argues that when a consumer is injured by a product, that consumer is unfairly disadvantaged in the economic competition and is denied an equal opportunity to compete in the marketplace. Fairness demands that the party that benefits from the unfair advantage, the manufacturer whose product caused the injury, compensate the injured party. Compensation returns the parties to equal standing and the economic com¬petition can therefore continue. Compensatory justice requires that people be compensated for undeserved harms by the party that has caused, or has ben¬efited from, that harm.